Tuesday 24 November 2015

Pasta in Alfredo Sauce

An Italian favourite and something easy to make at home - Pasta in Alfredo Sauce .

Ingredients for Pasta in Alfredo Sauce:
Pasta (Penne Rigate) – 500 g
Chicken – ½ Kg (boneless)
Cheese – 150 g (Cheddar/Parmesan/Cream cheese - grated)
All-purpose flour (Maida) – 6 Tbsp
Butter – 3 Tbsp (Semi-solid)
Milk – 1 Lt
Onion – 1 (small, 2halves)
Cloves – 2 Nos
Bay Leaf – 2 Nos
Ginger-Garlic paste – 2 Tbsp
Thyme/Parsley – 1 Tsp
Olive oil – 1 Tbsp
Salt & Pepper to taste

Procedure - Pasta in Alfredo Sauce:
Chicken Prep:
Cut chicken into desired cubes, mix ginger-garlic paste, parsley & salt and let it marinate for 5 minutes. Then fry chicken pieces in a shallow pan with little oil. Make sure chicken is not over-cooked/fried & turned into brown. It got to be tender and white in colour even after frying. Take it off heat and let it rest.

Sauce Prep:
Take a deep dish with milk, onion halves, cloves & bay leaf and heat it. Take it off heat as soon as you see the first boil.
Now take a sauce pan on low heat. Put butter and let it melt. Then put in the flour. Continuous whisking is important as the flour might form lumps or get burnt. Once you do not get the raw smell of flour anymore, pour in the milk. Remember; do not stop stirring/whisking. The flour tends to make the milk a little thicker. Put in thyme, salt & pepper. Now put on the grated cheese and continue stirring till all of it is melted. Taste for the balance of salt and pepper according to your preference. Finally, fold in the chicken pieces and give it a good stir. Take it off heat and let it rest for 5-10 min.

Boiling Pasta:
Take a deep dish and fill it with water. Add salt & 1 Tbsp olive oil and bring it to boil. Now put in the pasta and stir so that they do not stick to the bottom of the pan. It should normally take 8-10 minutes for it to cook. Do not stir much, as it leads to breaking of pasta. Once cooked, drain the water. Drizzle the pasta with the same oil that you fried chicken with. This not only keeps the pasta glazed but also gives the chicken flavour to it. Serve hot and enjoy the creamy Pasta in Alfredo Sauce.

You can totally skip the chicken part. In accordance to your preferences, you can add veggies.
Recommended veggies – Cauliflower, Capsicum, Broccoli, Zucchini etc.  


  1. I thoroughly enjoyed the receipe.It was easy to het thru as a first timer.Will watch out for more

  2. Thanks n Sure....many more comin up...
